Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Time for Cousins

These past few weeks have been a blast. I've been able to meet people in my family I hadn't met yet and do all sorts of fun things with them. Mommy finally finished up all the requirements for her degree, which means that I've got to be with her a lot more throughout the week. Now she's only gone for 2 days when she has to go to work. Daddy is, well, Daddy is my absolute favorite. Whenever I see him in the morning after we both wake up, I kick and scream with delight and go in for a big, sloppy kiss on his face...usually I get his nose.

I've become a lot more active. When mom and dad try to leave the room, I try to follow them. I roll across rooms, push up on my hands and tippy toes and then lunge very fast, and sometimes I can get to them. The only problem is that I don't always look where I'm going and so have learned the hard way that I am not the biggest thing in the world at the moment. The piano, for example, is a lot bigger than me and my poor head has come to realize that from the few times I have said hello to the piano with a head thump.

I went camping for my first time this past week. We went up to Willow Flats in Idaho with Grandma & Grandpa Ashcroft, Devin & Nicole (Bennett & Tyler), and Jeff and Steph (Eli) even joined us one evening. Mom and Dad said that I behaved very well. I slept in my pack n' play in the tent and didn't even get scared when a huge rain/hail storm hit right after we set up our tent...I just slept right on through it. While we were there we went on a very nice hike, had some really good camping food, and just relaxed (mommy and daddy couldn't really relax with me around though).

Yesterday was my mommy and daddy's 2 year anniversary. Devin and Nicole, with the help of Bennett and Tyler of course, babysat me while they went out for dinner and a movie. I stuck a lot of Bennett's toy cars in my mouth so that they could go to the 'car wash' and be properly cleaned, and tried to show off to Tyler that I could roll around, but I don't think he really cared. Bennett lovingly said that, "Paisley is my little brother." Once again, I am discriminated against just because I don't have any hair.

 Here's the night of the family pictures...

The person who took these pictures at the Ashcroft's home was the same photographer who took mommy and daddy's wedding pictures. Her name is Elizabeth Haroldsen and you can look her and her work up on facebook if you'd like. She is really good at what she does. Here is some of me being me...

I was wearing the sweater that Taycen gave to me right before he left for Washington D.C. He is such a sweetheart. As you can probably tell though, I was being a stinker and trying not to look at the camera and do my usual smiles...
Here's the last ones from the night, of my mommy and me:

Psst, don't tell anyone, but I'm actually a big time daddy's girl.

This other picture of my mommy and me was taken by my Uncle Trevor who pretends to be all hardcore, but is a softy underneath it all:

Moving on from the family pictures onto more important are some pictures of what I usually do with my life nowadays.

This is what happens when I laugh too hard...I close my eyes. I must've gotten that curse from my mom.

Don't judge...I bet you got even more stuff on your face when you were a baby.

I got my legs stuck in the crib. And instead of saving me straight away, mom ran and got the camera to get this picture and then came to the rescue. You guys better be thankful.
Where's the Pazer?
There she is!!!

 First time on a slide and not quite sure what to think of it.

I like to stick my bum in the air.
I wonder which toy will annoy mom and dad the most.

For some reason, people just seem to eat my smile up.
I will get you and I will gum you to death.
My flexibility is increasing by the day.
Practice makes perfect.
New outfit:  before I got it with my spit-up powers.
I'm not very good at sharing yet Bennett...sorry.
Paisley the Explorer...

We went to Mirror Lake during the day with some of the Ashcroft family. It was my first experience being outdoors for that long and was a test to see how I could handle it before the big camping trip.

It was then that I learned that Daddy's hat was the most perfect chew toy. I can't believe no one has told me that before. 

Here are the pictures from Willow Flats...the 3 day camping adventure. It was very cold at night so mommy put me in 4 layers of clothing and then had blankets on top. I am blowing raspberries at the camera in the picture to the right.

See what I'm talking about? My face was ready for the sun to come out. The raspberries only seemed to make it colder somehow.

But at least I was still happy throughout it all...

I would like a nice warm cup of hot coco and go easy on the marshmallows please.

I can be quite the aggressive baby at times.

When mom finally removed 2 of the layers in the mornings, I could move about freely. Right here, I am deciding what the best way to wake up daddy might be.

That food belongs in my Oh how I love sweet potatoes.

We hiked up to the spring the second day. I thought the water was cold and was really hoping that mommy wouldn't be a clutz and drop me in.

My, what big chompers you have! (I am in the process of getting my first tooth, but was amazed at how many teeth daddy has. It could be quite deadly).

I liked camping, but was so excited to be home and start rolling around once again.

Next post will bring videos of me as I continue to grow up at a very rapid pace. Until then-I will give you pretend kisses. Love you all!


  1. I have to admit, these make me a little homesick. We sure miss you guys. She is so gorgeous and Taycen sends his love as do we.

  2. She is so fun. Thanks for updating the blog so we can watch her grow. I am glad you are finally done with your degree! Congatulations.


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