Sunday, July 11, 2010

And, here...we...go

Wow, a lot has happened since the last time my parents posted here on February 25th...I guess I'm more of a handful than they expected (sorry guys). No, actually I think it's just that they have a lot going on with school, work, and taking care of the house. I look different, eat different things, wear bigger things, and move! I'm not quite crawling yet, but I am definitely close. I love to roll over to reach toys, especially my binky, and I like to push up on my hands and feet and then lunge forward to try and get some where.

At my sixth month appointment, mom was telling the pediatrician that my spit-up habits were not getting any better. He probably has a lot of moms complain about their babies spitting up so I don't blame the guy for being hesitant to try and treat it with either more or different medication. But then blah...I came through for mom and showed him just how much. My mom wisely said at that moment, "yeah, it's about that much every time." So he put me on another medication, but I am still up-chucking. I guess it's just a part of my character I can't get rid of yet. I am almost underweight for my age, but that can simply be blamed on two things: 1. The Ashcroft mini genes (in weight), and 2. My Olympian Gold Medal style upchucking. Whenever people hold me, my parents warn them that they probably will get wet and sticky and gross, but people still want to hold me...I am just that cute.

 Here is a run-down of what my typical week looks like as of now. Monday-I get to be with Grandma and Grandpa Ashcroft for a couple of hours in the morning while dad is at calculus and mom is at work. Dad then takes care of me all day while working from home for Skaggs, puts me to bed, and then waits for mom to get home after she gets off work at 9. Tuesday-Mom has her internship from 9-5. I'm with Grandma for 45 minutes in the morning, with dad during the day while he works from home, and then Dad drops me off at Mom's internship at 4 so he can go into work. That works out perfectly because Mom's internship (working as a social work case manager for pregnant teenagers) is in a health clinic literally right next to Dad's work. Wednesday-Dad goes into work by 9 and I am a mommy's girl all day long. Thursday-Same thing that happens on Tuesdays with mom's internship and Dad's work. Friday-I get to be with mom all day with the exception of a meeting she has to go to at her internship clinic from 12-2, but don't worry, I get to go there to and I have everyone that works there wrapped around my little finger (even the pediatrician who has nicknamed me "Paisley Pomegranate"). Saturday-Mom works a 13 hour shift at the pharmacy again so I get to go into work with Dad from 9-2 and then come home and play! He puts me to bed and waits for mom. He is so good to take care of me while he is at home working on the phones for Skaggs or working at the building on Saturdays. Everyone at his work likes to make sure I will be making my weekly appearance each week and one of his coworkers has even offered Dad a lot of money so she can officially adopt me as her own. Sunday-what a great day. I get to be with both of my parents at the same time! Enough said.

This schedule of mine is subject to change without notice, just like college courses. Mom finishes up with her internship on July 23rd so then Dad won't have to watch me while he is working. I am very grateful to everyone who has helped to take care of me while they are trying to accomplish degrees and work, especially the grandparents.

But that's enough of my onto the part you've all been waiting for: pictures of me!

This is one of the only pictures that was taken of me on my blessing day... and it wasn't even taken by my parents! They kinda forgot about the whole camera and preserving memories thing because of all the people. I am wearing the same dress that my mom wore on her blessing day and I was wrapped in the blanket that Grandma Lucille made and entered in the State Fair soon before she passed away. I am one lucky girl.

 Here is proof of my acid reflux amazingness. This shows that I am worthy of the medal in this department. Up-chucking this much food usually happens at least 7 times per day. Now mom and dad think it's even more gross since I've started on solids because is comes out green when I eat peas and such and orange when I eat carrots or sweet potatoes.

This is when mom got to walk in the graduation ceremony for her bachelor's degree in May, but still has to finish out the summer semester until she's really done with it. Mean, huh? 

 I like to show my independence by flipping backwards and over the boppy whenever mom lays me on it. I have to makings of an athlete. Dad wants me to play basketball for the aggies (so he can get discount tickets for men's basketball of course).

In the picture to your right, I am trying to use the face that puss in boots from Shrek uses to get his way. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't...but I'll keep practicing.

After mom wakes me up and feeds me, she takes me into daddy so I can practice my pouncing skills and wake him up!

Can't touch this...unless I have a stinky diaper of course and then I would like you to fix that for me.

These are two of my cousins from my mom's side of the family that are very close to me in age. They are two months older than me and the two of them are only 9 days apart. From left to right: Taycen Wilkinson (7 months), Paisley Ashcroft (5 months), and McCade Yockey (7 months). I am very sad because my best bud, Taycen, just moved out to Washington D.C. with his parents because of his dad's job. jobs are even important anymore nowadays.

Backing up a little bit, just to show you, here is the 3 of us with our Daddys a few months earlier...Marcus and McCade, Brett and Paisley, Joe and Taycen. The 3 of us are very lucky to have such awesome and loving dads.

I don't even know why I like Taycen though because all he ever does is try and show me up by crawling over me when I come over to play.

He seems to have a knack for always making me giggle though. Maybe it's because he doesn't look so good in this picture. (Just kidding Taycen!) In fact, the first time I laughed out loud was at his house.

Taycen and I are kissing cousins...but in an appropriate way. I occasionally let him try and kiss me on the head and I secretly like it when he gives me hugs. He's the only person to hug me yet that is actually my size.
Woo, woo Taycen may have just crossed the line. We are cousins boy, so don't go getting any ideas. (I already miss you now that you have moved though).


  I found my first Easter basket in the most unlikeliest of crib. The dog barks songs to me like a puppet, but I wasn't sure if we were going to get along together at first.
 This is my door jumper that I just figured out how to jump with. Before now I simply turned in circles. Man have I been missing out.
Mom and I surprised Dad on his birthday with breakfast in bed and a crazy bear who sang to him. Where in the world is Paisley Santi-ashcroft? Find me and win a prize.

Do you know how hard it is to be a bald girl? Dad helped give me a good hairdo to show off my peach fuzz so people will hopefully stop calling me a little boy.

 Mom threw this burp cloth to dad while he was holding me because I started to share my lunch with him and it landed on my head. So I used my brain and did the best thing I could think with it...stuck it in my mouth. Thanks mom!

My first time in a swimming pool and check out how cute my suit is! Good thing Taycen didn't see me in this or else he'd get jealous of daddy holding my hands.

This is what I was telling you about getting up on my hands and feet...I wasn't kidding. I can probably do more push-up holds (planks) than mom and dad combined.

And the after image...I sometimes accidentally catch myself with me face.

Doomsday is coming mom and dad...this Pazer is almost on the loose! I just haven't quite figured out how to do it yet.


Yes, I am the princess and everyone must do as I say.

This last picture is actually taken from today. I am gumming my first graham cracker to death.

Next Post: I plan on posting a link to a Shutterfly book that I made for my dad for his first father's day and a link to my sixth month pictures that I recently got taken at Sear's. Until then, forgive me for taking so long and pray for mom and dad because I will be crawling soon.

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